Thursday, January 29, 2009


Words collided against a sylvan aura..
And I looked down at Ruska..
Stippled rain dabbing
Afresh amidst the Obscurity
of the Sun..

Hues draped the crunching nascent frost..
Strolling over a carpet of gold and maple..
I sense the air..
Smoldering mountain ashes..
In splashes of Crimson flames..

Penitent boulevards savor the void..
Envious of that flock of swans..
Which flew across the moist cornfield..
In whim and lust..
Hunting through Blueberry Slopes..
for a lost feather..
In surreptitious Autumn pens..

Coquettish reindeers chased the clouds..
For an imagery of a twining sunset..
Bringing home A Lunaa..
who set apart..
The allure of a ripened Season..
Along the Birch Vista..
In the old summer cottage..
of her dream..

Friday, January 23, 2009

Memento 22...

Deceptive tranquility wafted past..
Eons of obscure Allusions..
Eerie mockingbirds ambling with estranged songs..
Agape at the strangeness of the Sea..

An abridged afternoon disguised profanity..
Creeping along the broken streets..
Where she held the City by her gaze..
Her blinks..
An Anodyne to the blemishes..

The Wild April Snow..
Morphed nebulous sketches..
Of a bohemian phone call..
By a far away Arcane Story-teller..
With a stellar baritone averting wakefulness..
In a frivolous rapture into the night..

Bemused frost felt damp..
Against the pellucid window panes..
As she squinted past Mortal Maxims..
To meander along the Eastern Countryside..

The hands of time closed her eyes..
An Avalanche of smiles..
Of a Clandestine Phoenix..
Tenderly erupting into Daybreak..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Song of Tragoidia..

The Sonnet broke free..
In the quiet January twilight..
Satyrs awakened to the amorous tune of Concerto..

It blushed in amazement..
Serenading secrets to the Ice Lake..
Discerned in a Vortex of Predicaments..

It cloaked the tears..
Like strewn Jasmine hidden by the Vulpine Snow..
Stumbling upon a girl..
Who was neither a paragon..
of Virtue nor Justice..
Not tasting the fruit of her Wickedness..
but that of her mistake..


It slid in to the frames of a memory..

Through the wishful will of fate..

Just as the sacrificed Iphigenia seek an answer..

And.. Antigone a funeral..


It crooned an open road..

Rubble of Conscience lay untouched..

Defiant of a Cosmic Life..

Cloying conflicts..

Painting insipid sensibilities all around..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Devolva me....

I don't know what to say... And I don't know what to feel.. Maybe this is what it feels to disbelieve pathos and parables... To hear every tale, every story yet again... In the subconscious, I touch her hand as we spoke of a A Wednesday...
Thamma, Thamma... I called out to someone who'd seen me grow in to a little woman... in that row house by Goodwill Enclave.. It was just a fortnight ago, on the Christmas day, as chilly Pune air shied away with her warmth...
"Look Rimi's decorated the tree, a little mellow for commemorating the attacks"...

Why?.... Why?.... Why?

This afternoon as Rye writes, her ink dries up just as her voice is lost... the eyes unable to see and how ? How can she?....
The words can never be completed...
sentences a far cry...

Coz I can still smell her besides me... in the stories of a childhood spent at a home away from home...
The horror, the morbidity and an ugly despair of senselessness vapourises from the heart...maybe.. all over me...forming an eerie glass prison..where I'm caught.. This time it's all over... there's only the abstract to look at.
Nothing really matters anymore...

Death playing a sublime jazz beating, mocking me from here on...

Thursday, January 15, 2009


The hands of time closing in on her eyes..
Dead petals balking in acrimony..

she once was a young..
gardenia bud..
Brushing across the streaming ponds..
swaying with winds..

Refusing to leave her willow..
She escaped to the reveries..
of the jilted clouds..

Weaned... in her wilted abode..
She fell prey to the earth..
Adorning the hall of reverence..

The candles flickered to the hum..
Of an Old Carol..
Beholding the benevolence of the Lord..

She found her clover leaf..
Her place in solace and solitude..

This one's dedicated to Sushi...
Love you always :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Auld Lang Syne..

The demure star
made love
the whisps
a night
so apocalyptic
it will
into a dawn..

A soft season
and faint..
the creole
they sang
lying in arms..

The July rain
it's knees
the silence

An insatiated
the whirlwind
left behind..
stone chair
the garden..
Decorous air
to the sky..
Even as
the Moonbeam
them away..

She sat
the temple
of time..
The snow
this December
lemon wet..
Whiff of Spring..