Saturday, February 28, 2009

Denial of a Pause..

And I saw you...
In the reflection of Ancient Shadows..
On the broken charcoal walls..
Your tongue stroked the poetry
On my neck..
Sensing beads of burnt words..
You revived smoldered hearth..
That warm afternoon..
When the inky beams...
Taught me..
The tradition of the sun..
In a moment like the deepest waters..
I was forbidden..
To touch it's curl..
Of ripping it's frail depth...
In the cedar landscapes of a mind..
Where my dusty lips..
Drank on your parable..
Leaving an ellipsis..
With the sweet liquor..
Of severed touch..
In an Iris of hues..


Deeptesh said...

I loved thr regeneration to begin with...when the petrified reflection was resurrected.Surreal perceptions dominate which abstains your sensuousness from turning rather puts in a touch of profanity.And your imageries create a muse of wanting....and then a see-saw between possessing and losing.
Surprising your poems come so soon...mine come after along time and take a long 5-6 hours.Happy that u love my comments.

Trying 2b a bit's better if u break it up into stanzas at places.And u should do the poetry train with me 2 promote ur poems.

I'll disappear 4 a while and be back on !6th March.Bye.

Deeptesh said...

Forgot 2 say.Stanzas to enhance the compactness and re-enforce the economy of expressions.

Unknown said...

My poems don't come "soon".. I just feel like writing nowadays...that's all Deeptesh!
Tomar mail'er reply dite parini..ever so sorry for that!

Deeptesh said...

No it's ok.And my poem came on the top five list of Woof Contest.To find out more,pls c my blog.

sourik_poetsparadise said...

Hello Rye,
Yeah, don't worry I am studying hard. Can't even find the time to just pen down the thoughts which are flying around in my mind...
Physics and Chemistry hoye gelo...ektu khani chap mukto hoyechhi...dutoi bhalo gechhe..
I will comment on this poem as and when I am free...
even my medical exams are coming up
keeping very busy these days...

Wishing you good luck!!!