Sunday, December 6, 2009


How strange it seems sometimes...
How very strange!

It's going to be his 92'nd the next 24 hrs....and the past 24 years are pulling me under....beneath...underneath a pyramid of stars... into a chamber...thru' a tiny tunnel...a deep one...where the reverberations of a childhood sinks down..kneeling to the earth where he once stood..

He is so near ...then, why do they tell me, that I won't see him smiling with the brewing wake of the morn' ?
....and....I remember someone else's words too, today... of how he was giving a calculus exam when he heard of such news himself...and couldn't attend the last rites....and...I feel a crumble inside me....
There's a piece here....and one there...oh, one in that corner tooo...

Again words come back to me.... so many, so few all at once... "Aah, all I can do now, is fight...with surroundings, even the air maybe..." : he would have said...

An Iron Masked day grumbles in I lay sleepless those wee hours of dawn...
Recollection retreats ....escaping into the arms of abstruse dominion...
A blanket of his arms tucks me in.... Yes, he's there... He's still there...right here....
Along with the melody?
His hum surrounds today, releasing me from this mantle of weariness...
Fatigue takes the form of couldn't look more crystalline...
The clarity will stay with me....nostalgia will too...
His gaze in my eyes began the memories inside...and with each day, each li'l bundle of moments will encompass my whole very own.. 

P.S. ~ Sudden flashes of Endymion's Dadu...that picture of Tua and him....
Strange! Just so strange!

The word ''strange'' is synonymous with me, today..

1 comment:

deepteshpoetry said...

Nice one really..Happy New Year..Busy as usual?Chk out my blog whn u have time